Kipu Ranch

Kipu Ranch Review: Adventure on an ATV

Ever wanted to ride through the fields and jungles of Jurassic Park? What about reliving the scene in Indiana Jones where he is being chased by the local warrior tribe as he shouts for his pilot to start the plane? Well lucky for you, you can cross both those items off your to-do list by signing up for an ATV adventure at Kipu Ranch. The 3000-acre private ranch is located in Lihue on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. Here are some highlights of why we recommend Kipu Ranch Tours.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. We recently completed an off-road jungle tour with these guys and had such great experience that we just had to share it.

Ride with a Guide Option

Kipu Ranch Trails

As a photographer, it can be hard to balance getting the desired shot and participating in adrenaline-boosting activities while traveling. While it’s a blast to be the one to driving the four-wheeler, you miss out on a lot of photo opportunities. The tour does a great job of making frequent stops to explain the sights and provides you with time to take photos. But there are no dull areas of Kipu Ranch. Everything surrounding you is photogenic. If you are someone like me who loves taking pictures or just aren’t comfortable (or don’t trust your spouse) driving the ATV, Kipu Ranch offers an alternative option. The Ride with a Guide option allows you to take in the surroundings without having to do any of the work. You also get a lot of extra history and insider knowledge from the guides that they don’t have time to tell everyone at the designated stops, like what plants you can use to defog your goggles when snorkeling. Plus as trained professionals, the guides get to go a lot faster and hit turns at higher speeds which is a blast to experience.

Scenes from Jurassic Park were Filmed at Kipu Ranch

Jurassic Park Kipu Ranch

Visiting Kauai makes you feel like your in Jurassic Park (without the fear of being eaten by dinosaurs). You’re surrounded by lush green landscapes with steep mountains butting up to jagged coastlines. The scenery is breathtaking and looks just as it did in the movies. If you’re a fan of the Jurrasic Park series you’ll start to feel deja vu when driving around on the ranch.  The most well-known shot location is the field where the herd of Gallimimus almost trample Dr. Grant and the kids. While the log they hide behind isn’t actually there (movie magic has that particular shot filmed on a different Hawaiian island) you will recognize the mountains in the background and the fields of rolling green grass.

To visit another famous Jurrasic Park filming location on Kauai check out Hoopii Falls.

Raiders of the Lost Ark Filming Location

While you may remember Raiders of the Lost Ark mainly taking place in the desert, recall the opening scenes with the famous boulder chase. After narrowly avoiding being crushed to death, Indiana Jones’ day continues to get worse. His precious idol is stolen by a rival archeologist and the locals proceed to chase him out of their territory with spears and blow darts.  Dr. Jones escapes death once again by grabbing a rope vine and swinging his way to safety.

The actual rope swing they used in filming is still hanging off that same tree. The Kipu Ranch guides will help you recreate Indy’s famous swing (minus being chased by scantily-clad indigenous tribesman) if the water levels and current of the Huleia River cooperate. Remember to bring a swimsuit!

Hawaiian History and Folklore

There is more to Kipu Ranch tours than just movies sets. From Kauai’s first European contact with Captain James Cook to its strong defenses against the multiple invasion attempts of King Kamehameha, the island has a rich heritage. The guides at Kipu Ranch do a fantastic job of explaining the history of Kauai and of the ranch.

Overall Experience

With the perfect combination of scenery, information and adventure, the 3-hour Ultimate Ranch Tour at Kipu Ranch Adventures is a must-do activity on Kauai. Just remember to use that bandana they give you or risk receiving the oh so flattering red dirt Hawaiian suntan!


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