Every Adventure Has to Start Somewhere

It Started Outdoors is an outdoor and travel blog dedicated to helping inform and entertain those looking to get an honest outlook on exploring nature and other interesting places.

Check out the hiking guides, gear reviews, and travel itineraries that are written by a couple who has no problem telling you the good, the bad, and ugly of all their adventures.

We don’t live in vans or travel nomadically. We aren’t sponsored (although we sure would like to be), and nobody pays us to jet off to exotic locations. We both work full-time 9 to 5 office jobs but we still manage to squeeze in adventure every chance we get.

Our guides, reviews, and itineraries are geared for the average person who just wants a little more out of life but may not know where to start.

Let Us Introduce…


Photo Taker, Trailer Puller, Trail Blazer

Chad can be summed up by his idea of a perfect day: Waking up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains, warm cup of coffee in hand then grabbing his camera and fly rod, hitting the trail to explore some uncharted territory followed by cold beers and campfire steaks. After losing his Dad, and falling into a deep depression, Chad decided to start hiking and found that there is no greater feeling than spending time outdoors. In order to keep track of lessons learned out on the trail, Chad created It Started Outdoors.


Wanderluster, Social Media Master, Dog Wrangler

Tori has the travel bug and she has it bad. Lucky for us that leads to some amazing trips. As excursion planner extraordinaire, Tori handles the logistics to make sure no one gets hangry and everyone keeps a steady buzz and positive attitude. When not checking airfare deals, Tori feeds her creative genius by trolling Pinterest and helping people find our content.


Stick Saver, Puddle Hopper, Photo Poser

We got Kona from a farm when she was 3 months old. As the shy and bashful pup of the litter, she turned out to be a ball of energy out on the trail. As with most border collies, she is wicked smart and needs to be worked nonstop. She is a hiking dog that loves rescuing sticks from lakes and refuses to get in a vehicle that doesn’t have 4-wheel drive.  Sharing the trail with her is always a blast, but she is the worst when it comes to staying still inside the tent.

If you have any suggestions, comments or would like to collaborate on an adventure of your own fill out the form below!